Susan Boyle yet to be asked to sing for Haiti

SuBo outside her home today

By Cara Sulieman

SCOTS singing star Susan Boyle is almost certain to be asked to take part in recording a Song for Haiti.

Showbiz reports across the globe were quick to say SuBo had already been signed up for the single which is being masterminded by her friend and mentor Simon Cowell.

But the superstar from West Lothian revealed today she was still to get a call to take part in the biggest fundraising record since Band Aid.

Today, just hours after the Britain’s Got Talent boss revealed he had been approached by the Prime Minister and promised to “make it happen”, Susan said she was still waiting on news.

Thumbs up

She admitted: “I haven’t heard anything about it”.

But big-hearted Boyle – a keen churchgoer from a close knit family – would almost certainly agree.

More media savvy than ever, she politely said that she couldn’t talk about any project without permission from her advisors.

But leaving her home in Blackburn, West Lothian, with two family members, yesterday the superstar star smiled and posed for photographers in the winter sun.

Wearing a long grey button-up cardigan with a white overcoat on top, she then gave her trademark thumbs up to reporters asking about the single before jumping into a waiting green car.

Gordon Brown

Simon Cowell – whose label, SyCo, SuBo is signed to – revealed his plans at the National Television Awards on Wednesday night.

He said that Gordon Brown had asked him to help raise funds for the stricken island.

Simon said: “We are going to do a single. I’ve got to get it together in 48 hours.

“I wanted to do something for Haiti and we had a request from the Prime Minister to put a record together.”

And he is expected to call on his stable of performers to put the single together in the space of a few days.

It isn’t the first celebrity fundraiser for the earthquake-hit island – U2 and Jay-Z have already recorded their own charity record, which they will perform at George Clooney’s Hope For Haiti telethon tomorrow (Fri).


  1. […] Yet To Be Asked To Participate in Song for Haiti – Article and Photo, Jan 21, 2010 Susan Boyle yet to be asked to sing for Haiti Deadline Press & Picture Agency […]

  2. […] Jan 21 susan_boyle_song_for_haiti_ld_dppa12.jpg Susan Boyle yet to be asked to sing for Haiti Deadline Press & Picture Agency […]

  3. […] Susan-Haiti Single FYI- new article – with a picture from today i think!! Susan Boyle yet to be asked to sing for Haiti Deadline Press & Picture Agency […]

  4. […] Susan for Haiti – Deadline press Susan Boyle yet to be asked to sing for Haiti Deadline Press & Picture Agency […]

  5. Church volunteer and multi-million record seller? Oh, they’ll ask her…

  6. […] quotes SB today saying she had yet to be asked to be part of this. Has anyone heard that? Deadline Susan Boyle Yet To Be Asked to sing for Haiti "But the superstar from West Lothian revealed today she was still to get a call to take part […]

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