Revellers gear up for Scotland’s biggest music festival

Becky Cutler, Lauren Gibson and Zoe Kinnaird arrive at the festival ready to party

By Cara Sulieman

THOUSANDS of excited music fans started to descend on the small town of Kinross today as T in the Park got underway for the 17th time.

The festival – which grew from a humble 17,000 capacity back in Strathclyde Country Park in 1994 – will see 85,000 people gather to listen to live sets from headliners Eminem, Muse and Kasabian.

And although most of the revellers will congregate from Friday an advance guard of some 30,000 were pitching their tents today for an evening of fun before the full festivities.

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Fans queue in the rain for coveted T in the Park tickets

Left to right Mari Bell, 16, Blair Thomson, 17,David Collins, 17, Sophine Myles, 17, Alex Heriot, 17.

By Cara Sulieman

THESE desperate music fans queued for hours in hail and pouring rain today (Fri) to get their lucky hands on the first T in the Park tickets – shortly before Scotland’s biggest music event announced it had SOLD OUT.

All briefs were gone within an hour and a half, making the Thursday night wrapped in blankets and huddled under umbrellas during freezing weather worthwhile for those lucky enough to get them.

But their spirits were raised when Ripping Records on South Bridge – which could easily have been named ‘Dripping’ Records because of the rain – opened half an hour early to start selling the coveted tickets to drenched fans.

With a line up boasting US rapper Eminem alongside British band Muse, around 200 fans didn’t want to risk missing out on the music festival at Balado this year.

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Susan Boyle yet to be asked to sing for Haiti

SuBo outside her home today

By Cara Sulieman

SCOTS singing star Susan Boyle is almost certain to be asked to take part in recording a Song for Haiti.

Showbiz reports across the globe were quick to say SuBo had already been signed up for the single which is being masterminded by her friend and mentor Simon Cowell.

But the superstar from West Lothian revealed today she was still to get a call to take part in the biggest fundraising record since Band Aid.

Today, just hours after the Britain’s Got Talent boss revealed he had been approached by the Prime Minister and promised to “make it happen”, Susan said she was still waiting on news.

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X-Factor fans vote Dannii Minogue a cut above Cheryl Cole


CHERYL Cole may be blushing at her chart success as she readies for a crack at the US market under the watchful eye of hip-hop star Jay-Z.

But it seems fellow X-Factor judge Dannii Minogue is the winner in the fashion stakes as far as Scots fans of the show are concerned at least, as they flock to stylists desperate to copy the Australian beauty’s look instead.

JUST THE BOB: Sadie Jean Sloss

Cheryl has been the one grabbing all the headlines after her album ‘3 Words’ smashed into the charts at number one helped by her own performances on the hit show.


Yet according to the fashion experts, it’s Dannii’s 1920’s style bob haircut which is keeping the nation’s crimpers busier than usual.

Former celebrity make-up artist Sadie Jean Sloss, who is based in Edinburgh, said Dannii has sparked the busiest period at her DollyLeo boutique since she first launched her business more than a year ago.

And she says it’s all about Dannii as staff are left to work double time to cope with demand. Continue reading

Mobo awards to boost Scottish ecomony despite claims that Glasgow is ‘too white’

By Cara Sulieman & Oliver Farrimond

TONIGHT’S Mobo Awards in Glasgow are on course to deliver a massive £1 million boost to the Scottish economy.

The last remaining tickets went on sale yesterday for the event which will see the likes of Jermaine Jackson, JLS and Kelly Rowland appear from the red carpet at the SECC.

Paul Bush, chief executive of EventScotland, said he hoped staging the show could start the ball rolling to bring other high profile events like the Brits north of the Border too.

That’s despite a row suggesting Glasgow should never have been chosen ahead of the likes of mixed raced cities such as Birmingham or Manchester because its population is too white.

Journalist and one of the original Mobo award panellists Paul McKenzie said in an interview earlier this week that Glasgow wasn’t multi-cultural enough to hold the event. Continue reading