£300,000 pledged to Pakistan flood victims

By Amanda MacMillan

FIRST Minister Alex Salmond has announced an extra £300,000 for the flood victims in Pakistan and praised the aid efforts of the Scottish people so far.

At Edinburgh’s Blackhall Mosque today (Thurs) the First Minister pledged the extra money which increases Scottish Government support for the country to more than £1.2 million.

The £300,000 will be added to the emergency funding announced last month, making a total of £807,000 to be distributed to 15 Scottish organisations delivering much-needed relief to the country.

Mr Salmond said: “The Mosque here has been a hub of relief effort as people meet up to gather funds and to do what they can to help Pakistan.

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Susan Boyle yet to be asked to sing for Haiti

SuBo outside her home today

By Cara Sulieman

SCOTS singing star Susan Boyle is almost certain to be asked to take part in recording a Song for Haiti.

Showbiz reports across the globe were quick to say SuBo had already been signed up for the single which is being masterminded by her friend and mentor Simon Cowell.

But the superstar from West Lothian revealed today she was still to get a call to take part in the biggest fundraising record since Band Aid.

Today, just hours after the Britain’s Got Talent boss revealed he had been approached by the Prime Minister and promised to “make it happen”, Susan said she was still waiting on news.

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Carol Smillie urges generous Scots to dig deep for charity

By Oliver Farrimond

TELLY presenter Carol Smillie has revealed Scots are recession-proof when it comes to helping out charities – as she urges the nation to dig deep to make the lives of 1000 children better.

Glamour girl Carol is backing a push by World Vision to get 1000 Scots to help the same number of children across the globe for its “One Nation, One Month, 1,000 Children” campaign.

A YouGov poll for the charity shows a massive 92 per cent of Scots still give to charity – despite the economic downturn – sparking hopes that they will help make the new campaign a huge success.

Speaking from Princes Street in Edinburgh where the campaign was officially unveiled yesterday Carole, 47, said she hoped that would continue.

She said: “We want 1,000 people to sponsor a child for just 60p a day – less than a price of a cup of coffee – in a third world country to try and make their lives better. Continue reading