Susan Boyle meets fans at Edinburgh book signing

SCOTS singing sensation Susan Boyle wowed fans at her first ever book signing on her home turf.

The Britain’s Got Talent star arrived at Waterstones on Princes Street, Edinburgh, to sign copies of her autobiography The Woman I Was Born to Be.

Susan Boyle says it’s “fantastic” to have her own book

Susan celebrates her new book as she welcomes her fans

SCOTS singing sensation Susan Boyle wowed fans at her first ever book signing on her home turf.

The Britain’s Got Talent star arrived at Waterstones on Princes Street, Edinburgh, to sign copies of her autobiography The Woman I Was Born to Be.

She said she never thought the day would come when she had her own story out for the public to read.

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Singing in front of the Pope is all down to Faith

By Christine Lavelle

SCOTS singer Michelle McManus said her chance to join superstar Susan Boyle performing for the Pope next month is all down to Faith.

The pair will share the bill at Glasgow’s Bellahouston Park when Pope Benedict XVI holds an open air Mass for thousands of worshipers.

Michelle, 30, who attended St Ambrose High School in Coatbridge, said: “My mother and I visit Lourdes every year and to have been asked to sing for the Pope is an opportunity I would never have expected.

“I’ve not been picked because I hold any sort of fame.

“I’ve been picked because of what I believe in, and that’s the only thing I want the day to be about. I am not doing it for any publicity – I’m doing it because I am a Catholic myself. Continue reading

Susan Boyle studio could shut down over cash

By Michael MacLeod

SCOTLAND’S top recording studio, used by Susan Boyle and Simple Minds, is facing closure over a cash row.

Glasgow’s Terminal Music could be shut down after talks to refinance a £1.9million loan from the Royal Bank of Scotland collapsed.

The prospect has been described as “tragic” by Simple Minds singer Jim Kerr, while politicians said the bank could have done more to save Terminal’s 15 jobs.

RBS insisted it had acted “fairly and reasonably” during talks over the deal.
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GE2010: Susan Boyle Has The X-Factor

By Shaun Milne

SUSAN Boyle showed she thinks Britain’s got political talent by taking part in the nation’s very own X-Factor contest at the polls.

But the West Lothian superstar was keeping-tight lipped about which party won her vote at Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School in Blackburn.

Mentor Simon Cowell, of course, came out in support of the Tories earlier in the week but Susan said: “Yes, I’ve voted – but I’m not telling you who!”


Before heading for the polls SuBo stopped off to discuss matters of state at her local hair salon.

Maybe she was thinking about starting her very own fringe party.

Gerry Boyle slams management after SuBo pulls out of tour

By Rory Reynolds

SUSAN Boyle’s brother has attacked her management team for trying to “control” his sister and preventing her from seeing her family.

Gerry Boyle said he was “very, very angry” about the way the management had been treating the Britain’s Got Talent star – who pulled out of several upcoming appearances in Australia over the weekend.

The 55-year-old entrepreneur would not say exactly what had prompted the attack, but revealed that “certain things have come to light” which had angered Susan’s family.

He said: “The Boyle family have made it very clear to Susan’s management that we neither trust nor approve of them.

“Certain things have come to light – we are very, very concerned and very, very angry with the way she is being treated.” Continue reading

Susan Boyle speaks of terrifying encounter with intruder

By Rory Reynolds

SUSAN Boyle has spoken of the terror she felt when she came face to face with an intruder in her own home.

The Britain’s Got Talent star said the crook “scared the living daylights out” out of her when he bumped into her as he fled her West Lothian home.

The 49-year-old was left shaken after the break-in, which took place just after she returned home from recording a single for the victims of the Haiti earthquake.

Susan had bodyguards watching her house around the clock after the break in, which was the second time her house had been targeted by intruders.

A 16-year-old had since been charged in the connection with the break-in, which followed an incident at Christmas where Susan saw two strangers peering through a back window of her home. Continue reading

SuBo is reality TV’s biggest tear-jerker

By Paul Thornton

SUSAN Boyle’s Britain’s Got Talent debut is the nation’s most emotional reality TV moment, a survey has said.

SuBo wowed the BGT judges and captured the heart of the nation with her rendition of I Dreamed  a Dream, almost one year ago.

Now the 49-year-old ‘s performance has been voted the biggest reality TV tear-jerker, beating others like Alexandra Burke’s duet with Beyonce on the X-Factor to top spot.

And the survey – by Freeview to help launch HDTV – revealed that men were more likely to shed a tear at the Hairy Angel than at the tribulations their football team.

Overall nine out of 10 people in Scotland get upset while watching television, with soaps dominating the top emotional moments.

Number one was the final episode of Friends while on-screen deaths of Eastenders’ Bradley Brannan and Corrie’s Vera Duckworth were also in the top 10.

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It’s not fame or money SuBo craves, it’s love

By Michael MacLeod

LOVELESS singing sensation Susan Boyle fears she will never find a soulmate because men think she is “a freak”.

The Britain’s Got Talent star confessed to her longing for love in a series of 3am phone calls to her brother.

She told sibling Gerry that her West Lothian home feels like a “prison cell” when she has nobody to celebrate with or lean on during down-times.

Speaking in a weekend interview, businessman Gerry, 55, said his superstar sister was left “hurt enormously” by the nickname “Hairy Angel”.

He said: “It’s just all so sad, so sad.
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Coin licked by SuBo sold

By Cara Sulieman

ONE wacky eBay bidder bagged themselves a so called bargain when they bought a pound coin allegedly LICKED by Susan Boyle for just 99 pence.

After seven days on the site, the auction only attracted one bid in the final day is was listed.

And with no other interest, the bidder nabbed the memorabilia for the lowest possible price.

With free postage, they can look forward to receiving a one pence profit along with a small piece of SuBo’s saliva.

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