George Bush top of the league for nonsensical comments

George W Bush

By Cara Sulieman

FORMER US President George W Bush has been declared the worst culprit for making nonsensical comments.

And he is the only person to have two appearances in the top ten of a poll carried out by Aviva insurance.

It was his infamous statement that “our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we,” that clinched him the top spot.

He is joined by Bill Clinton, Boris Johnson and Eric Cantona in a range of foolish statements that span more than 30 years.

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Anti-war protestors demand troop withdrawal outside US Embassy

By Scott Shepherd

ANTI-WAR protesters including veteran actor David Hayman demanded the withdrawal of British troops from Afghanistan yesterday but were moved on from demonstrating outside the US consulate in Edinburgh.

The Scottish Afghan society and Stop the War Coalition staged a protest but were blocked by police and had to stage their press conference further along the street after barriers were put up in front of the consulate general.

Chair of the Scottish Afghan society Mohammad Asif said: “We are here to voice our anger at the American authorities. We are here to tell them what is happening in Afghanistan should stop and it should stop today.”

“Afghanistan is now a more dangerous place than it was before this war began. We want to end the illegal occupation of Afghanistan. For the past seven years 80,000 innocent Afghans have been killed.”

The campaign hopes to attract one million signatures so their petition can be passed on to Gordon Brown in the hope he will withdraw British troops. Continue reading