Virus forces hospitals to close wards

By Andrea McCallum

A VIRUS outbreak has forced two Scottish hospitals to close nearly 10 wards after both staff and patients were infected.

Queen Margaret Hospital and Lynebank Hospital – both in Dunfermline – have closed some wards to new admissions.

And a total of 14 patients and 12 staff across the wards have shown symptoms of the norovirus.

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Swine flu victim said she would “get through it” before she went into coma

Lindy Paterson

Lindy Paterson

By Cara Sulieman

THE WORRIED sister of Ibiza swine flu victim Lindy Paterson has told how she texted home to say she wasn’t feeling well shortly before being rushed to hospital, joking: “I’ll get through it.”

Louise Paterson, 23, said Lindy was often prone to colds but always bounced back quickly, so thought nothing of it.

But now she is waiting at the family home in Keltybridge in Fife to hear news of her sister’s recovery from her parents – Celine and William – who are by Lindy’s bedside.

Lindy, 28, sent her a text the day before she was rushed to hospital telling her sibling: “I’m not feeling too good today but you know me, I’ll get through it.”

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Swine flu claims seventh victim in Scotland

Tamiflu10 (Medium)By Michael MacLeod

SCOTLAND’S swine flu death toll rose to seven last night when it was revealed a 52 year-old man has died from the disease in an Edinburgh hospital.

The man, who has not been named, is the capital’s first swine flu fatality and the second in Scotland in under a week.

He was said to have been suffering “significant” underlying health problems.

The Scottish Government insisted his death should be no cause for panic among the general public.

He died on Wednesday night at the Western General Hospital but his death was not made public until last night (Thursday).
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Swine flu hits Edinburgh

By REPORTING TEAM: Cara Sulieman, Paul Thornton, Alexander Lawrie, Lauren Crooks and Oliver Farrimond

BREAKING NEWS: A newlywed couple from Edinburgh have been quarantined at home over fears they have been infected by Swine Flu.

Peter and Jennifer Marshall, from Gorgie, returned from their honeymoon in the area Cancun of Mexico last Tuesday (21st) and started to show signs of flu-like symptoms.

Last night Peter, 37, a flower wholesaler, said they had “voluntarily” confined themselves to their cottage home while awaiting test results to confirm whether or not they had the virus.

He said: “We just feel a little under the weather.” Continue reading