Gordon Brown urged to get ahead on climate change

By Cara Sulieman

A GORDON Brown lookalike dressed as a life-guard hit a beach in the PM’s own back yard today (thurs) to send an SOS on climate change.

The giant headed doppelganger urged the real prime minister to become a ‘lifesaver’ ahead of the forthcoming climate conference in Copenhagen.

With 100 days until the talks – which aim to create a new deal to replace the Kyoto Protocol – campaigners from Oxfam gathered in Gordon Brown’s constituency to raise awareness of the issues at stake.

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Jewel salesman robbed of £600,000 worth of gems

Tayside Police LogoBy Alexander Lawrie

A JEWELLERY salesman claims to have had more than £500,000 of gems stolen in an audacious daylight robbery.

The man told detectives he had just completed a business call at a jewellers in Perth when he stopped off in the town’s Oxfam charity shop around 3pm on Tuesday.

As he browsed the book shelves he said he put his bag containing the jewels on the floor, but when he looked down seconds later his bag had disappeared.

Police are now hunting a woman aged between 20 and 25 who had been spotted acting suspiciously near to the man.

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