Gordon Brown urged to get ahead on climate change

By Cara Sulieman

A GORDON Brown lookalike dressed as a life-guard hit a beach in the PM’s own back yard today (thurs) to send an SOS on climate change.

The giant headed doppelganger urged the real prime minister to become a ‘lifesaver’ ahead of the forthcoming climate conference in Copenhagen.

With 100 days until the talks – which aim to create a new deal to replace the Kyoto Protocol – campaigners from Oxfam gathered in Gordon Brown’s constituency to raise awareness of the issues at stake.

They are calling on Brown to push for radical emission cuts after climate-related disasters went up by 400 per cent in the last 10 years.

And they argue that the lives of 250 million people around the world are threatened every year by floods, cyclones and storms brought on by climate change.

Judith Robertson, Head of Oxfam Scotland, said: “With only 100 Days to Copenhagen, time is running out for the world’s poor, who are the worst affected by but least responsible for climate change.


“Gordon Brown is a crucial player in shaping a fair and safe climate deal in Copenhagen that has the needs of the world’s poorest at its heart – the Prime Minister has to act now to save lives.”

The charity is urging Brown to convince countries around the world at the UN climate change conference in Copenhagen in December to cut their emissions by 40 per cent by 2020.

They also want $150billion to be put towards states that have been devastated by climate-related disasters.

Oxfam has predicted that by 2015 the number of people across the world that are affected by climate change will rise by a whopping 54 per cent to 375 million.

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