Man survives Fernieside house fire which claims girlfriend’s life

A WOMAN has died in an early morning house fire in Edinburgh after leaping 15ft out of window while engulfed in flames.

Shocked locals tried to put out the flames on her body by dousing her in water and keeping her alive until paramedics arrived.

It was understood she had only recently moved into the upper mid terraced villa in Fernieside Avenue with her boyfriend.

He was only saved after heroic neighbours were able to smash down the front door of the house using hammers.

Both were rushed to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh for treatment to burns and from the effects of severe smoke inhalation.

However it was announced later that she had succumbed to her injuries. Continue reading

Union chiefs want Lothian Buses to run the Edinburgh trams

 By Clare Carswell 
UNION chiefs are calling for Edinburgh’s controversial new tram services to be run by the city’s award winning bus operator instead. They argue that Lothian Buses already runs a profitable service and can turn around the ailing fortunes of the project by wresting control from TEL – the company currently poised to operate the lines. 

It follows the shock departure yesterday of David MacKay, chairman of the company behind the TIE construction project which has been dogged by delays, legal battles and spiralling costs. 

In a parting shot, he branded the elements of the project as “hell on wheels” and launched a furious broadside against the German contractors, Bilfinger Berger

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Suicide bid causes chaos for communters

By Clare Carswell 

A SUICIDE bid caused huge disruption to commuting traffic yesterday morning (Mon) as the Forth Road Bridge was closed.

At 5.30am yesterday a 29 year-old man stood on the flyover at Castlandhill Road, north of the Forth Road Bridge near Rosyth where threatened to jump onto the A90 below. 

The man who is local to the area was checked over by ambulance crew at the scene and was then allowed to return home.

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Thieves target Edinburgh’s exclusive homes

By Clare Carswell

EDINBURGH thieves have targeted one of the city’s most expensive streets in a spate of burglaries.

 Police believe that drug addicts are responsible for a series of break-ins on Ann Street, in the up-market Stockbridge area of the capital where houses often fetch £1million when sold. 

In less than three weeks four A-listed homes have been burgled and the thieves have made off with jewellery and cash.

One house was even hit twice within that three week period, while homes in neighbouring streets, Danube Street and Upper Dean Terrace were also robbed. 

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Newspaper Round-Up Tuesday November 3rd