North Berwick want to kidnap Stevenson’s history with statue

By Michael MacLeod

SEASIDERS from a Scots town want to honour Robert Louis Stevenson with a statue – because he went there on holiday as a child.

The world-famous writer was born in Edinburgh and has various memorials across the city.

But locals in North Berwick are keen to commemorate the fact he holidayed there as a child.

They hope to drive up tourism in the East Lothian town by highlighting the belief it inspired his classic 1886 novel, Kidnapped.
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Major repair work to Scotland’s lighthouses


MAJOR REPAIR work to Scotland’s lighthouses is to begin with the oldest rock-based structure in the British Isles later this year.

The Northern Lighthouse Board is seeking contractors with a head for heights to carry out work on some the country’s most remote buildings.

And the first lighthouse to be given a makeover is the 200 year-old Bell Rock, situated 12 miles off the Angus coast.

The work will pose many challenges for tradesmen because of its, remote location, dangerous tidal conditions and isolation.

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