Blind student has lifeline stolen

Maria Marchaqa with her guide dog Chasqui

By Cara Sulieman

A BLIND student has been left struggling to pay her rent after her specially adapted laptop was stolen during an overnight coach trip to London.

Maria Marchaqa, 28, wasn’t allowed to take the £1,000 computer on board the bus with her as it was too bulky.

When she got to London, the laptop was missing from the hold compartment.

And the student says she has lost her independence and feels cut off after the theft.

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Penguins at Edinburgh Zoo become webcam sensation

By Cara Sulieman

A PILOT trial of a webcam watching penguins at Edinburgh Zoo has been such a hit that it is to be made a permanent fixture.

It was set up in June to capture the Gentoo penguins nesting and bringing up their young and has been attracting 9000 visitors a month so far.

There was even a massive Twitter campaign to get it back up and running after technical hitches saw the camera go down briefly.

Bosses admit they never expected the scheme to be as popular as it has been and are now looking at rolling out the idea to other animal enclosures.

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Curse of the midgie to come to an end

By Alexander Lawrie

THE CURSE of the Scottish tourist industry could soon be at an end – as Scots boffins unveil a cure for the pesky midgie.

A spray which can cover a whole room in a protective anti-midge blanket is expected to be on general sale early next year.

While a cream for use by hillwalkers, farmers and tourists is also being planned for a year later.

The new innovation, which uses natural body chemicals to repel the insects, could save Scotland a whopping £300 million in lost tourism revenue each year.

Researchers from Aberdeen University and an English institute have revealed their trials of the revolutionary repellent have been successful.

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