Dennis the Menace gets a revamp

By Cara Sulieman

CHILDREN’S comic favourite Dennis the Menace has been given a 21st century makeover.

Athough he has kept hold of his trademark stripey jumper and black shorts, it was revealed yesterday that he could have undergone a far more radical change.

Designs put forward for the tearaway kid included a spray can-wielding hoodie and a spaced out scruff to make him more in-keeping with elements of today’s youth.

But the Manga style images were dismissed and creators decided to go for a more traditional Dennis look – just without the trademark catapult.

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Burke to get honorary degree from uni that banned him

By Cara Sulieman

SCOTTISH playwright Gregory Burke is to receive an honorary degree from his old university – despite being banned from the campus for battering another student.

The author of Black Watch was only allowed to visit Stirling University for lectures and to go to the library after attacking a man who looked at him “the wrong way.”

At the time, the fight caused outrage and led to calls for him to be expelled from the university all together.

But Burke left after two years of his politics and economics course and ended up working in a series of low-paid jobs before he started his writing career. Continue reading