Carol Smillie urges generous Scots to dig deep for charity

By Oliver Farrimond

TELLY presenter Carol Smillie has revealed Scots are recession-proof when it comes to helping out charities – as she urges the nation to dig deep to make the lives of 1000 children better.

Glamour girl Carol is backing a push by World Vision to get 1000 Scots to help the same number of children across the globe for its “One Nation, One Month, 1,000 Children” campaign.

A YouGov poll for the charity shows a massive 92 per cent of Scots still give to charity – despite the economic downturn – sparking hopes that they will help make the new campaign a huge success.

Speaking from Princes Street in Edinburgh where the campaign was officially unveiled yesterday Carole, 47, said she hoped that would continue.

She said: “We want 1,000 people to sponsor a child for just 60p a day – less than a price of a cup of coffee – in a third world country to try and make their lives better.

Carol Smillie-World Vision“It’ll bring them clean drinking water, education and help rebuild their communities

“Scots are three times more likely to dig their hands in their pockets than anywhere else in the UK.”

“It’s not a lot to ask.”

She added: “I have three children of my own – they’re very healthy, very lucky and live a very privileged life and sometimes you take that for granted.

“So if they can learn from it and benefit a child on the other side of the world then that’s fantastic.”

Although 43 per cent of Scots already give money to charity, World Vision hopes to reach their target of 1,000 Scots within one month.

Accompanied by a giant “Number 1” sign, they will be touring Scotland over the next month to promote their cause, stopping in Dundee, Aberdeen and finally Glasgow – Scotland’s most generous region.

The survey found that Glaswegians were the most charitable Scots, giving on average £68 per person to charity.

Edinburgh and the Lothians followed close behind at £67 per head.

‘A very generous nation’

Mat Wenham, Acquisition Manager at World Vision, said: “Scotland is a very generous nation.

“We’re extremely grateful to the thousands of Scots who already sponsor with us. We’re calling on Scotland now because these children need the support of the public urgently.

“We believe that the best way to change the life of a child is to change the world in which they live.”

World Vision, a Christian charity, is one of the world’s foremost relief and development agencies, helping more than 100 million children in over 100 countries.

The campaign which started yesterday lasts all month with more details available at or by calling 08000 12 12 06.

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