DAVID TENNANT: Doctor Who star agreed to leave with Russell T Davies

By Cara Sulieman

SCOTLAND’S biggest television star, David Tennant, revealed that he had agreed to leave the show at the same time as its writer – Russell T Davies.

Tennant – who leaves the show this year after four years playing the enigmatic Doctor – said that the pair had discussed leaving together a few years ago.

He said: “We talked about it. It wasn’t a pact, I’d sort of decided. But then I nearly changed my mind again.”

This year the 37-year-old will star in four Dr Who Specials before handing over to Matt Smith, the 11th Doctor Who.

And the Scot said that he wouldn’t be giving the new boy any tips as it was up to Matt to bring his own style to the role.

He said: “We did chat on the phone. And we may well again, I suppose. But there’s nothing to say. He’ll do it his own way.

“He’s too good and too interesting an actor to want to know from anyone else how to do it.

“He’s quite a natty dresser, is Matt. They may have to tone him down, actually. He’s quite wacky. In a very stylish way, of course. He makes me feel old.”

Sonic screwdriver

With two of the shows arguably most important members leaving, there is unlikely to be a big farewell.

Tennant said that he doesn’t expect any fancy gifts, but wouldn’t mind a souvenir from the show.

He said: “A sonic screwdriver would be nice. But there’s only two. And they’re worth a fortune.”

David Tennant has just finished a critically acclaimed run staring in the Royal Shakespeare Company’s Hamlet at Stratford and London.


The RSC banned hard-core Doctor Who fans from turning up with merchandise after they flocked to the stage door for the chance of an autograph.

Tennant said: “I suppose there were people who wouldn’t have necessarily come to see the RSC do Hamlet. But there was never a sense people were there for the wrong reasons.

“There was not anybody dressed up as a Cyberman in the front row.

“I’m not suggesting Doctor Who didn’t sell a few tickets, but Who fans are clever people.”

The first of the four Dr Who specials will air this Saturday on BBC1.

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