Singer sets Skins alight

By Cara Sulieman

A SCOTTISH singer is set to hit the big time after her song was chosen to star on a popular TV programme.

Amy Sawers’ Free Like The Sun will be featuring in the new series of Skins later this year.

Amy Sawers - the next big thing?

Amy Sawers - the next big thing?

Her drummer Euan Henderson entered the song after a competition was advertised after an episode of the show last series.

But the Aberdonian had forgotten all about it until an email landed in their inbox.

Amy said: “Euan got an email from Alex Hancock, head of music at Channel 4, saying that we had won the competition and they wanted to use our song.

“Up until then I had forgotten we’d even entered the competition.”

The upbeat tune celebrates the nightlife of Aberdeen with references to many of the music venues that Amy and her band play in, and will feature in episode seven of the popular show.

When the competition was announced during the last series of the show, the band talked about entering.

Amy said: “Euan mentioned the competition to me and asked if I wanted to put a song forward. I had a quick think about which song would fit the show and sent off Free Like the Sun.

“I didn’t really think twice about it after that, I mean what are the chances of getting picked?”

With her boss at shipping firm DOF Ltd worried that she might soon be leaving to pursue her impending fame, Amy is looking forward to the recognition Skins will bring her.

She said: “We’ve got a few dates planned for England this summer, but we’ve never really played outside of Scotland before. Hopefully the song being on Skins will get us more offers for festivals and other dates this year.

Introducing bands such as The Gossip to Britain, Skins has a reputation for using up and coming music in the soundtrack, which makes it all the more exciting for the 28-year-old.

She said: “I can’t believe my song has been selected for a series that always has such fantastic music.

“Their fan base is huge and it just makes me nervous thinking about the number of people who will listen to my song on that night alone.”

With the Granite City as inspiration, Amy wrote the song as a tribute to the fun times she had with friends on the city’s music scene.

She said: “It’s about a group of my close friends having a great time in Aberdeen.

“I wanted to pay tribute to the fun times I’d had and also to the city.”

With the episode scheduled for the 5th March, Amy is planning a big party already.

But a big gig in Aberdeen that night might knock down the attendance numbers.

She said: “The Killers are playing in Aberdeen the same night so not everyone will be able to watch. But we’re having a party and I’m taking the next day off work to recover.”

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