Lifeboat crew rescue four people after cruiser springs leak

by Shaun Milne

FOUR people were rescued from a motor cruiser after it sprang a leak shortly after setting sail off the East coast of Scotland.

The group had been on a trip from Dunbar to Inchkeith Island when they called Forth Coastguard for help after a hole appeared below the waterline as they drew near Cockenzie.

Kinghorn Lifeboat and a Coastguard rescue helicopter were scrambled to the scene around 1.45pm on Monday but the chopper was stood down around half an hour later.

The skipper of the vessel had an onboard pump which helped keep them afloat until the lifeboat crew were able to tow them to the nearest harbour at Granton on the outskirts of Edinburgh.

RNLI helm Joanne Wibberley said: “Fortunately the boat was well equipped and they were able to alleviate the situation with their own pump. This certainly saved them from a more serious outcome.

“It highlights the importance of being properly prepared before venturing to sea, as unexpected problems can arise at any time.”

No one was injured during the incident.

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