Museum to open in toilets

public toilet

By Cara Sulieman
A COASTAL toilet block is getting ready for its rebirth – complete with museum.

The dilapidated public loos have been sitting rotting on the harbour and are now getting a makeover.

But as well as shiny new toilets and solar panels a new tenant will be moving in.

The upper floor of the block has been set-aside as a “community room” and residents have grand ideas for the space

Kinghorn Community Council is keen for Fife Council to open a “seaside museum” above the bogs.

In the current plans, the first floor of the block will include a community room and exhibit area.

Adorned with sliding doors and two balconies overlooking the harbour, the whole block will be transformed into one of Scotland’s poshest public loos.

Marilyn Edwards, secretary of the community council, is excited about the plans, and hopes that the museum becomes a reality.

She said: “The community council would be keen to work with whoever is chosen to develop it and we’re keen to see a social enterprise using the space.

“But a seaside museum would be lovely.”

Ron Edwards, a member of the community council, explained that they had a lot of choices and a long way to go till a definite plan is made.

He said: “The proposal is to lease the upper floor to a group and the council will simply deal with the toilets.

“The current situation is that the community council have a number of interests to look at and will be working along with the council to make sure that whatever is chosen is at the best interest of both the council and local residents.”

There are a number of possible plans for the space above the toilets, with local community groups keen to open up museums, art galleries and cafes.

Fife Council will let the space out, but have earmarked it for use by the community, preferring if it went to a local group rather than a business.

But Fife Council are yet to decide on which one is best, and say they will hold off on awarding the lease until the work is done.

Thomson and Simpson Architects are the firm tasked with updating the drab building, and they have designed a stylish and usable facility.

At the end of last year the beach won a Keep Scotland Beautiful Seaside Award, recognising the clean water and good environment around the bay.

With residents working with the council to clean up the area and maintain the good work, the toilet refit will make it more suitable for visitors and locals alike.