Top Tory toff fined for drunken antics

01toryboy1By Rory Reynolds

A TOP Tory toff was given both barrels by police after drunkenly climbing up scaffolding and disturbing residents.

Shamed Joe Cawley, 20, – the current Chairman of Edinburgh University’s Conservative and Unionist Association – was out boozing with pals at posh party in the city’s New Town before scrambling up the scaffold.

The 3rd year philosophy student – who enjoys hunting and once campaigned for Watford Tory candidate Richard Harrington – was caught by police in Northumberland Place on Thursday around 3am.

He and another 21-year-old man, who hasn’t been named, were stopped by police who ordered them to climb back down.

They were detained at the scene for breach of the peace and issued with an immediate £40 on the spot fine. Continue reading