Bluenose parrot branded sectarian for singing Rangers songs

By Shaun Milne

A PET parrot has been branded “sectarian” for whistling Rangers anthems The Sash and Follow Follow at neighbours.

Rio, an African Grey parrot, was taught the tunes by his owner and Rangers fan Linda Gillies at her home in Whitburn, West Lothian.

RIO: The sash my feather wore?

RIO: The sash my feather wore?

But a brassed off neighbour was so angry at being taunted by the bird whenever it was let out into the back garden, they reported the matter.

West Lothian Council and her landlords at Horizon Housing Association both launched inquiries into the bird’s performance and visited her home to monitor the row.


But both have now decided to take no further action at the address in Loch Linnhe Court where Linda has stayed for 10-years with Rio, daughter Lauren, 17, and cousin Mary Smillie, 57.

She could have been booted out if they had ruled her guilt of anti-social behaviour.

Instead Linda, 45, has decided to keep bluenosed inside to maintain the peace – but denies claims her bird is a bigot. Continue reading