Holyrood spends £1.25m on designer anti-terror barriers

By Rory Reynolds

THE Scottish Parliament has spent £1.25m on designer anti-terror barriers to fit in with the ornate style of the building.

New figures have revealed that parliament bosses spent £52,000 on each concrete block, which resemble the building’s boat and leaf motifs.

The Scottish Parliament Corporate Body, which manages the site, has said planning permission required the 24 barriers to fit in with the surroundings of Edinburgh’s Canongate area.

However, critics have slated the decision, saying that MSPs should have gone for a “no-frills” approach to security.

Last year similar-sized barriers covering roughly the same area were erected at Edinburgh Airport at a cost of around £150,000. Continue reading

Scottish politicians told they can claim back Remembrance Day wreaths on expenses

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By Cara Sulieman

SCOTTISH politicians will be allowed to claim back the cost of Remembrance Day poppy wreaths on their expenses – despite a ruling banning Westminster MPs from doing the same.

The news comes just a week before the traditional services to pay tribute to the country’s fallen heroes.

The decision comes as a surprise as earlier this year fifteen MSPs were criticised for claiming back the wreaths as “running costs” last year.

Following a public outcry, all fifteen paid the money back.

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