Driver sacked and fined for parking warden slap

By Michael MacLeod

A CAR rental driver lost his job for smacking a parking warden’s hat off his head.

Hertz worker Joe McCann, 44, was rearranging cars outside his work garage when warden Darren Sharp, 38, booked two motors sitting on yellow lines.

McCann confronted Sharp, saying the cars were only parked momentarily while he was shifting a few vehicles at once.

But when Sharp went into the Hertz office to speak to a manager, McCann “panicked” and slapped his head from behind, sending his hat flying.

The attack was branded “outrageous” by Sheriff Gail Patrick, who fined McCann £100 and ordered him pay £200 compensation to his victim today (Tuesday).

McCann was due to go to trial over the attack yesterday at Edinburgh Sheriff Court but pled guilty to assault at the last minute.
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