Monty the kitten travels 200 miles

By Cara Sulieman
A TINY kitten with itchy feet has arrived in Scotland after a 200-mile journey.

The adventurous feline was found hiding in the back of a truck when it arrived in Edinburgh after driving up from Manchester.

This little adventurer turned up in the back of a truck in Edinburgh

This little adventurer turned up in the back of a truck in Edinburgh

Now the eight-week-old kitten is recovering from his grueling 214-mile journey and awaiting a new home at an SSPCA centre in Edinburgh

And staff have named their latest rescue Monty, but his new moniker has nothing to do with the golfer Colin Montgomery.

Centre manager Diane Stewart said: “I didn’t even think of golf. One of the staff just decided it was a nice name that suited him.”

After a shaky start, Monty has settled in well and is starting to get to know his new home at the rescue centre in Balerno.

Diane said: “Monty has been through quite an ordeal and he was very afraid and stressed.

“We don’t know much about his background, but he is proving tricky to handle so we will be working with him to get him to the point where he is ready to be re-homed.”

Although it is still a mystery how Monty ended up in the back of the truck, the staff have their suspicions.

Diane said: “Kittens can be quite inquisitive and that’s probably how this little fellow ended up in Edinburgh.

“He could have had a fight and run into the van for shelter or just decided it was a nice warm place to sleep.”

Monty had been found in the back of a Nightfreight truck when it arrived at the Edinburgh depot. When staff went to unload the parcels and boxes they found the tiny animal hidden in the back.

The SSPCA received a call from the depot and sent their animal ambulance driver Connie O’Neill out to pick up the frightened kitten.

It is thought that the van, and Monty, traveled from the Middleton area of Manchester and the SSPCA are keen to find out if anyone knows how he made it into the back of the lorry.