Black Watch hero leaves almost £9 million in will

By Alexander Lawrie

A FORMER-Black Watch war hero has left almost £9 million in his will.

Captain John Neil Baillie-Hamilton was a leading member of the Perthshire farming community and owned over 12,000 acres of prime agricultural land near Callander.

Capt Baillie-Hamilton served as an officer in the Black Watch and saw service in India, Germany and in Cyprus during the Suez crisis.

The officer, who owned the large Cambusmore Estate near Callander, Perthshire, passed away on February 15, 2009, aged 82.

His final bequest of £8, 994, 761.21 is largely made up of cash, shares and land.

The wealthy landowner has left the bulk of his estate to his children and wife, but has also gifted his local church a generous £20,000.

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