Fife to set up own golf group

By Cara Sulieman

THE home of golf plans a break-a-way group to help promote Fife as a mecca for fans of the sport amid claims VisitScotland isn’t doing enough to promote the area as a major tourist destination.

Fife Council is leading the drive to form a stand-alone ‘alliance’ and has hired a £26,650 team of consultants to draw up a strategy already.

The proposed Fife Golf Alliance would adopt an approved marketing plan for the entire Kingdom which supports hundreds of jobs and brings millions of pounds into the local economy.

The consultants, Business and Tourism Solutions Ltd, have been tasked with carrying out a “robust review” of the industry to see if the independent alliance is needed.

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Fifers “embarrassed” by Kingdom’s advert

By Cara Sulieman

AN ADVERT designed to create pride in Fifers has come under fire from residents of the Kingdom for being embarrassing.

Kingdom FM teamed up with Fife Council to produce the ad – which is broadcast on STV and shows traditional dancers, the Red Arrows, and Deep Sea World set to an upbeat tune.

But rather raising civic pride, the campaign has caused so much embarrassment for residents that they have set up a Facebook group mocking it.

With over 2,000 members, the group has attracted posts from residents and visitors alike – all criticising the video.

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Scottish company use LEDs to fix potholes


By Cara Sulieman

The Infrared technology in action

The Infrared technology in action

A SCOTS company has harnessed infra-red technology to fix potholes without the usual noise and disruption of traditional road-works.

And they have now been given a six month contract from Fife Council to repair the roads in the Kingdom quicker and greener than other methods.

But it’s not the first successful contract for Nu-Phalt, who now supply their unique machines to countries around the world including America, India and Hungary.

The technology is a world first and uses LEDs to heat up the pothole before adding fresh tarmac to the mix.

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