Eddie Izzard arrives in Edinburgh – after running 1600 miles

Eddie IzzardBy Rory Reynolds

TRANSVESTITE comic legend Eddie Izzard arrived in Edinburgh yesterday after a gruelling 26 marathons in a row – the equivalent of London to Milan.

But Marathon man Eddie – who has run over 1600 miles to raise money for Sports Relief – still has 17 full marathons to go until the finish line.

The 47-year-old, who only trained for a month before attempting the crazy feat – gave himself a rest yesterday – by only running up the steep side of Arthur’s Seat.

He admits that his journey been taken him though the pain barrier – about 26 times. Continue reading

Izzard: Releasing al-Megrahi sends out all wrong signals

Eddie IzzardBy Rory Reynolds

OUTSPOKEN comedian Eddie Izzard waded into the row over Scottish Justice Minister Kenny MacAskill’s decision to release Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi last night (thurs).

The wacky comedian – known for his abrupt political views – said the decision “sends out all the wrong signals for Scotland.”

The 47 year-old, known for his cross-dressing antics, was speaking just before he attempted to scale Arthur’s Seat as part of a 43-day marathon tour.

He said: “It didn’t feel right. Continue reading