Pup found dumped in with rubbish

Biffa with animal care assistant Georgina Morris

By Cara Sulieman

A CALLOUS owner is being hunted after abandoning a young puppy in a bin cupboard.

The eight-week-old pup was rescued after a resident in the high rise flats heard his cries and went to have a look.

The black and white collie cross – named Biffa by staff at the Scottish SPCA – had been put in a box and left in the cupboard at an Edinburgh high rise.

He was found on Monday and has since been recovering at the charity’s rehoming centre in Dumbarton where he has become a hit with staff.

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Snow chaos as criminals locked out of court

By Michael MacLeod

SCOTLAND’S legal system ground to a halt yesterday as heavy snow took its toll on the country’s court cases.

Three Sheriff Courts were shut completely yesterday (Wednesday), while those that were open had to postpone cases as dozens of cons and lawyers failed to appear.

Rather than getting locked up, criminals were locked OUT of Sheriff Courts in Jedburgh, Peebles and Duns in the Borders. Continue reading

Family devastated as they are told their relative’s grave is full

The grave where Margaret Miller wanted to be buried

The grave where Margaret Miller wanted to be buried

By Cara Sulieman

A GRIEF stricken family have lost the plot in a row over where to bury a beloved relative – after being told the lair she had bought in advance was already full.

Margaret Miller died last Monday aged 88 but had already pre-arranged to be laid to rest next to her parents, even paying for the right.

But a misunderstanding in the way graves are allocated means there isn’t actually enough space to squeeze a third person into the same spot.

Now her grieving family have to cremate her instead so her ashes can be interred – the only way they can respect her dying wishes.

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