Soaking Scottish summer sparks Tesco to scrap barbecue food

By Michael MacLeod

TESCO cashed-in on Scotland’s dismal weather by employing their own weathermen to advise them to swap summer barbecues for “rainy day food.”


As the heavens opened above Scotland last week – bringing flooding chaos to roads and rivers – the supermarket giant’s six-strong team of weather data boffins swung into action.

They had already predicted the deluge and quickly arranged for a shop-floor turnaround, clearing shelves of summer snacks and whisking in extra “autumn” food orders in their place.

The store said the soaking summer saw sales of roast potatoes – traditionally a winter food – soaring by a scorching 454 per-cent, while soup sales rocketed by 88 per-cent.

Sales of traditional kids’ board-games were also boosted by the downpours as youngsters spent the end of their summer holidays indoors.

Tesco branded existing weather reports as “unreliable,” instead entrusting their own team in a bid to save hundreds of thousands of pounds in food wastage by matching supply with demand.
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